Dr. Kerry Boysen

Kerry is the owner and physical therapist at Restore Physical Therapy. She has 26+ years of clinical experience in orthopedics and pelvic floor physical therapy. She is passionate about educating women about their pelvic health, and helping women understand and address their unique issues.

Kerry is a graduate of Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa (BA in Biology, 1995), received her Master’s in Physical Therapy degree from The University of Iowa (1997), and her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from Western University of Health Sciences (2021).

Kerry has her Certificate of Achievement in Pelvic Physical Therapy-Pelvic (CAPP-Pelvic) and her Certificate of Achievement in Pelvic Physical Therapy-Pregnancy and Postpartum (CAPP-OB) through the American Physical Therapy Association, Kerry provides trauma-informed care.

Kerry combined her passion and clinical skills to open Restore Physical Therapy in 2015. One of Kerry’s goals is to be able to balance her professional and her personal life, which you will see reflected in the clinic’s hours.

Kerry has been on the patient side of physical therapy and understands the importance of being listened to, receiving care in a private comfortable setting, having her time valued, and gaining knowledge of how to continue self-care beyond the clinic.