What to expect 


At Restore Physical Therapy, we believe you deserve the best care in an environment that is comfortable and welcoming. Here you will find the staff takes an interest in you from the moment you connect with us.  Take the time to complete the online intake forms ahead of time, so your evaluation can begin with a conversation about what brought you to Restore, and what you hope to accomplish. You will have the opportunity to have your story listened to, ask any questions, and bring up any concerns.  We get to know you better, understand your health history and background, and determine your physical therapy plan of care.  

Have your little one in tow? No worries.  This space was chosen and designed to be kid-friendly.  Let us know what will best entertain your child during your appointment, and we will do our best to accommodate. We all know it can be a challenge to find childcare to get to appointments, and a lack of childcare should not prevent you from reaching your goals.


At Restore Physical Therapy we are women treating only women.  You will always be 1 on 1 with your physical therapist for the entire length of your selected appointment time.  You will have the same physical therapist for the entire course of your treatment, which results in more successful treatment as a result of the consistency in your care.  By closely monitoring your progress, issues or concerns are addressed quickly, and your recovery stays on track. Restore Physical Therapy provides an intimate environment to help you relax and focus on your body’s recovery. Our staff is compassionate and caring and you will feel the difference this makes in your care.


  • Musculoskeletal Examination: This includes an assessment of structure, muscles, tissue, and a manual evaluation of the pelvic floor muscles. We can identify problematic muscles and scar tissue and develop a treatment plan based on our findings.

  • Diastasis Recti Examination: Patients with a diastasis recti are given specific exercises to correct the problem. Standard exercises, Pilates, and yoga can make this problem worse and should only be introduced after the diastasis recti is addressed.

  • Scar mobilization for Cesarean section, episiotomy, and other vaginal scars: Scar tissue can cause persistent pain and lead to discomfort and pain with intercourse. In addition, scars from a C-section can contribute to urgency/frequency. The reason scars from childbirth can cause problems is that they can become adhered to nearby structures due to excessive amounts of disorganized collagen produced during the healing process.

  • Manual PT for concerns of pain with vaginal intercourse or penetration: Postoperative or post vaginal delivery can result in tissue hypersensitivity around the incision or episiotomy scars as well as create myofascial trigger points or tightness in traumatized muscle in and around the pelvis. We work to normalize pelvic floor muscle tone, eliminate myofascial trigger points and decrease tissue hypersensitivity with manual techniques that can successfully resolve pain with vaginal intercourse or penetration.

  • Pelvic Floor Muscle motor control exercises and training to treat urinary incontinence: Most women are told about Kegel exercises; however, most women report confusion about how to do them properly or how often. In fact, according to recent research, 51% of women could not perform a Kegel properly with verbal cueing alone. And 25% of the women in the study were actually performing the attempted Kegel in a manner that could promote incontinence. Treating incontinence requires proper Kegel instruction as well as training in other key exercises to eliminate the problem.


  • Musculoskeletal Examination: This includes an assessment of structure, muscles, and tissue to determine impairments in range of motion, strength, and/or joint mobility.

  • Manual Therapy:  Postoperatively or post injury you may experience soft tissue restrictions as well as myofascial trigger points or tightness in traumatized muscle. We work to normalize muscle tone, eliminate myofascial trigger points and decrease tissue restrictions with manual techniques that can successfully resolve pain.  You may also have joint restrictions that will benefit from manual therapy techniques to restore motion and function.

  • Therapeutic Exercise: To achieve your maximum function, typically an individually prescribed exercise program is necessary to further progress in range of motion, strength, and joint mobility.  Often a home program will be recommended to reinforce long-term results.